News And Events
National Shakespeare Competition
The National Shakespeare Competition semi-finals will take place on Saturday, February 22 at the Sorenson Center for the Arts at Babson College located on 231 Forest St., Park Manor South, Wellesley, MA 02457 strating at 10:00 a.m.
The Boston Branch is collaborating with the British School of Boston and the Commonwealth Shakespeare Company.
The finals will be at the Tufte Performace Production Center in the Semel Theater of Emerson College on Saturday, March 1 at 12:30 p.m.
21 Schools are participating in the Semi-Finals at Babson from which approximately 10 will participate in the finals at Emerson. We welcome all visitors. We would like to have an enthusiastic and substantial audience for these deserving, brave, and highly talented young Shakespeare competitors.
This will one of the Boston's Branch primary events of the season.
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A Pre-Oscar Evening with Ty Burr
Take a look at this flyer! Click Here. This is a unique ESU event that we are co-sponsoring with the Union Club of Boston. It's a great value - at $30, you will be sufficiently satiated with hors d'oeuvres plus a complimentary glass of wine prior to hearing Ty Burr's stimulating talk on the Oscar and Bafta films nominated this year, how they got to this position - and what is going to happen next. You will go out on a limb and pick winners and losers and explain why, given industry politics in Britain and the United States.
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Speaker Event a Big Success
Event Recap
Collaboration between the Colonial Society of Massachusetts and ESU Boston produced a wonderful event!
The evening took place on Dec 19 at the beautiful town house on Beacon Hill of the Colonial Society.
Nathaniel Philbrick spoke wisely, lucidly and with great passion on not only the substance and story-line of Bunker Hill: A City, A Siege, A Revolution, but also on the research and great amount of interviewing that took place providing the historical anecdotes and insights, and novel-like presentation of the material. We had a splendid turnout of our members at this afternoon event and our members demonstrated great enthusiasm for the subject matter and for Philbrick's presentation, after trudging through snow and ice to make the event.
l-r Caroline Case, David Case, Nathaniel Philbrick,
Paul T Boghosian, Peter Ames, Ghia Truesdale
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The 31st Annual Boston Shakespeare Competition for High School Students
You are Cordially Invited to Attend
The 30th Annual Boston Shakespeare Competition for High School Students
Sponsored by the Boston Branch of the English-Speaking Union in Partnership with The Commonwealth Shakespeare Company
Saturday, February 22, 2014
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
High School students – winners of competitions in their own school throughout Greater Boston – will perform 20-line monologues and recite sonnets from Shakespeare's works before panels of distinguished judges. Please join us for as much of the day as your time permits to support these dedicated and talented young people.
Saturday, March 1, 2013
1:00 PM
The Finalists chosen at the Semifinals will compete before judges and an audience of parents, teachers, ESU members and friends. The winner will receive a free trip to New York in April to compete in the National Shakespeare Competition against over 50 other high school students from across the country. The top prize in the National event is a summer study course in Great Britain.
The Boston Branch of the English-Speaking Union recognizes the dedication of the teachers and families of all the student competitors. Without their encouragement, cooperation, guidance, instruction and inspiration, the competition could not take place. Our sincere thanks go to all.
Both Events are Free and Open to the Public (Voluntary Donations Accepted)
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Annual Garden Party and Champagne Reception
Event Recap
Our Annual Garden Party and Champagne Reception took place on Sunday, June 2, at the home of Susan Bush. Fortunately it was a glorious sunny day with approximately sixty enjoying her delightful gardens. We were honored by the presence of Ms. Susie Kitchens, HM Consul General of Boston.
Ann Bortnick, winner of the Boston's Shakespeare Competition and of the "silver medal" in the National Finals in New York City gave another wonderful rendition of her monologue and sonnet.
Our special guest presenter, Dick Flavin, seven-time Emmy Award winning broadcaster, regaled us with Kipling rhyme, humorous anecdotes, and witty stories.
The proceeds from the party benefited the Boston English-Speaking Union's Education Fund.
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