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ESU 2024 Garden Party Photo Reportage

One cannot have an English Garden Party with at least a spot of rain. Mercifully, that is all the day brought. Otherwise, the weather was perfect, overcast (good for pictures), neither too hot, nor too cold. Below left, the hosts with the most, "Shriner Bob" and "Miss Kentucky Derby," Cindy Ryan. To their impeccable hospitality, was added the cheerful service of President Phil, and the alluring taste of his Pimm's Cup No. 1 punch, "best this side of the Thames."

Added to the mix were the expertise of Bartender "Jimmy", and in the kitchen, Chef Propriétaire, Ashley Seig Williams – a winning team.

The Charlottesville Branch set a Garden Party attendance record, with 102 RSVPs, reflective of the dramatic growth of the organization, thanks in large measure to Cindy, focusing on the Senior circuit, and Holly on new members in their 40s.

Guests streamed in by the dozens. Some could not get past the beautiful buffet. Others, went first to wet their whistles.

The array of colors and chapeaux were a sight for sore eyes. Properly accoutered, as one would expect, our members rose to the occasion with charm and elegance.

People came ready to Partee and enjoy one another's company – a hallmark of the Branch chemistry.

Some of the members have been on board decades, others as little as two days

(think Amanda Parks, above right pc on right, sourced by Holly, above left on left).

In due course, all moved outside to conduct a short AGM to elect Officers and Board Members. The program began with a moment of silence for longtime and beloved member, John Ford, who passed away on May 23rd, after a hardfought battle against cancer for some three years. Your President had the honor of singing the Lord's Prayer and offering the Eulogy for our dearest friend. 

A bouquet of flowers was presented to hostess Cindy; new members were introduced. The members with guests then introcduced them. Prospective members we hope. The slate of Officers and Directors was presented by immediate past President, Dr. Julia Van de Water. With cheers going up with the mention of each name, the President concluded that the new team was installed by acclamation.

The biggest treat of the afternoon was the performance of budding actor, Jackson Davis, the Western High School finalist, and the winner of the 12-school Final Shakespeare Contest at Blackfriars Playhouse back in February. His winning performance was from Richard III, Act V, Scene 3, and Sonnet 71. He was introduced by Education Chair, Debbie Pruett. He brought his parents who were lovely, and so thrilled for their son for this ESU investment in, and experience for, Jackson.

He did not disappoint. Members were enthralled by his performance.

When asked about his experience at the National Competition at Lincoln Center in April, his genuine enthusiasm and excitement were palpable. If his performance and testimony were not an inspiring invitation for members to head to Blackfriars to watch these young thespians strut their stuff the first Saturday in February….

Members were absolutely captivated. The Shakespeare Contest is the world-wide iconic ESU philanthropy for a reason.  As Past President Patricia Taylor was heard to remark, "Get his his autograph while you can!"    

There followed the traditional, glasses charged, hearty toast to King Charles III, with a hearty thrice-said hip hip Huzzah. The President then broke into singing the refrain from Rule Britannia, with members joining into the fun.

The meeting ended with the announcement of the winners of the men's and women's, first-ever, Chapeau Contest. Judges were "vetted" by President Phil and remained anoymous, to protect their health and well-being. The best ladies' hat was judged by two lady members. The men were judged by two men. "Proper" Champagne was the gift.

With this hat, Connie Hund won the ladies' contest. By all accounts, the judges hit their mark with this creation. Connie was so excited, and immediately broke into the funniest acceptance speech, for which she received another round of applause. 

If one looks at the beginning of this Photo Reportage, sporting a Venetian Straw Boater, to increase his chances of winning, President Williams is seen here in a second hat, his grandfather's actual British Pith Helmut. Alas, he was obliged to recuse himself from the competition.

As all waited with bated breath for the winner of the gents contest, again, the judges found their mark. Looking ever so stylish, as always, young Jan Ford took the honors. All were wonderfully pleased, not least of all Jan. Our judges discreetly, and excellently, cast their votes for the hand's down winners. Bravi!

Here they are, with First Lady Marilyn, relishing their victories.

And speaking of stylish, look at these oh so chic members.

By any measure, a grand success. We thank our hosts Cindy & Bob for opening their gracious home to the members for the Garden Party. 

Your President and First Lady were so pleased that you came and seemed to have a splendid time. If not before, with your best finery on, we look forward to seeing you, if not before, at the Black-Tie Kick Off event at Farmington Country Club on Tuesday, October 8th. Following the Champagne Reception, and dinner, we will treated to an exciting presentation, by the new head of the University of Virginia English Department, Prof. Andrew Stauffer. He will be speaking about his new book on the storied Romantic poet, Lord George Byron. Until then, have a great summer. 

Cheers, Marilyn and Phil


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The English-Speaking Union

Charlottesville Branch

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