News And Events

Sixty Students to Participate in Middle School Debate

Sixty Columbus Middle School students will be honing their debating skills at Capital University on Friday, December 11. This Middle School Debate, one of two debates, is sponsored by the Columbus Branch of The English-Speaking Union in conjunction with the Columbus City Schools and Capital University.

According to Dr. Stephen Koch, President of the Columbus Branch and Professor of Communications at Capital, "The debates are dynamic speaking affairs in the Oxford tradition, featuring respectful interruption (points of information) and argumentative heckling."


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English in Action Party

News Photo

English in Action volunteers held a Welcome to Columbus Party for a new group of The Ohio State University visiting scholars from Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology at the home of Pat Moore. This party was not only to welcome the new group of 12 visiting scholars from Xi'an but also to say farewell to another group of teachers/professors from the same university.


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The English-Speaking Union

Columbus Branch

Columbus Branch Landmark Photo