On February 5, The Columbus Branch held its National Shakespeare Competition at the Abbey Theater of Dublin. Central Ohio Area high schools sent both their first and second place winners to the competition.
Clara Livingston of Columbus School for Girls was declared the First Place winner, while Abbie Bookman of Reynoldsburg High School Encore Academy was named the Second Place winner and Sheila Gyamfi of Beechcroft High School, the Third Place winner. Clara, as First Place winner, won an all-expenses paid trip to New York City to compete in the National Competition on May 1. Second Place winner, Abbie, won a scholarship to a two week summer camp provided by Actor's Theatre of Columbus, and Sheila, as Third Place winner, won a gift of $50.
The Columbus Branch would like to thank all of the teachers and high schools that participated, especially the teachers of our winners - Janetta Davis, Kathy Hoover and JB Hagerman. And, a special thank you to the Competition Judges - Dennis Aubrey, Philip J. Hickman of Actor's Theatre of Columbus and Dr. Sarah Neville of OSU. And, a big shout out to Actor's Theatre of Columbus for providing the scholarship for our Second Place winner.