News – Sunday, December 4, 2016
Date: Sunday, December 4, 2016
Time: Social with cash bar 12:30 PM, Brunch 1:00 PM
Place: Woodstock Club, 1301 West 38th Street - The East Room
Guest Musician - Tom Duncan: Composer, Craftsman, 'The Harpdude'
Dear Members:
The Indianapolis Branch of the E-SU invites you and your guests to a Musical Program. You will be greeted with 'Tunes of the Season'' on Woodstock's grand piano followed, in the East Room, with the beautiful sounds of the Celtic Harp.
The musical ability of Tom Duncan is mesmerizing. He has written music for various pop and classical performances, plays and video productions. His first CD, The Harpdude, paints the sites and sounds of Scotland, Ireland, and England. His second is, Standing in the Shadows.
While studying piano at Butler University, Duncan developed a loving interest for historical instruments. His love for Early Music led him to research on how they were created. He began his collection of tools and expanded his skills as a craftsman making his own folk harps.
The cost will be $27 per person and includes a Wassail Bowl and the Woodstock Club Brunch. Please clip the reservation form below and send to our Branch Treasurer, Niels P. Lyster, 1752 Glencary Crest, Indianapolis, IN 46228-3363 no later than November 26th.
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me at
I look forward to welcoming you and your guests at the Woodstock Club on December 4.
Very truly yours,
Mary-Patricia Warneke
Program Committee
Please make reservations for ________ places at $27.00 per person. My check payable to The English-Speaking Union for $ _________ is enclosed and constitutes my reservation for the December 4, 2016 meeting.
Print name: _________________________________
Names(s) of guest(s): __________________________________
I enclose an additional tax-deductible contribution to the:
□ Operating Fund:$ ____ □ Scholarship Fund: $ _____
□ Endowment Fund: $ __________
□ Shakespeare Initiatives Fund: $ __________
□ Honoraria Account: $ __________
Niels P. Lyster, Treasurer
The English-Speaking Union
1752 Glencary Crest
Indianapolis, IN 46228-3363