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ESU Screens Shakespeare Authorship Documentary for Members and Guests

The ESU Kansas City Branch held a repeat screening of the documentary film "Last Will. & Testament" on Sunday, September 8, 2013.  One year ago, the ESU co-hosted an advance screening of the film which explores the greatest literary mystery of all time: who wrote the works of William Shakespeare?  The documentary had very limited advance screenings before its U.S. premiere at the Austin Film Festival and Kansas City was selected as one of the cities for the screening.  It was co-hosted by UMKC Theatre with the generous support of Tom Mardikes, Chair of UMKC Theatre, and Dr. Felicia Londré, Curators' Professor of Theatre at UMKC.

Shakespeare's plays and monologues are widely studied by academics worldwide and yet, the authorship question has persisted over the centuries.  This documentary film, "Last Will. & Testament," offers educators and students of drama, history, theatre, humanities, and the English language a unique opportunity to examine the various theories about the authorship question and encourages students' critical thinking.  Watch the trailer:  Click here

Approximately 25 ESU members and guests attended this repeat screening.  After the film Dr. Felicia Londré, seen left, answered questions from the audience.  Dr. Londré  has presented lectures on the Shakespeare authorship question since 1991 to audiences in Hungary, Japan, China and many U.S. cities.  Her expertise on the subject is widely acclaimed. The question and answer session after the screening was lively and very thought-provoking.

While the English-Speaking Union does not endorse any particular position on this controversy and remains neutral on the Shakespeare authorship question, it does welcome and encourage debate on this centuries-old topic. 


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