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Dr. Felicia Londré Presents Annual Lecture on Shakespeare Authorship Question

Kansas City ESU members attended a special lecture by Dr. Felicia Londré on November 4, 2013 at the University of Missouri at Kansas City campus.  Dr. Londré presented her annual lecture and slide presentation which surveys the evidence relating to the authorship of the plays and sonnets of the author known as William Shake-speare.  Some ESU members missed the recent ESU repeat screening of Last Will. & Testament.   This lecture was an opportunity to explore the topic in a lecture format.

Dr. Felicia Londré is the Curators' Professor of Theatre at UMKC and Honorary Co-Founder of the Heart of America Shakespeare Festival.  Dr. Londré is a world-renowned expert on the Shakespeare Authorship Controversy.  She began presenting lectures on the topic in 1991 and has since presented the Oxfordian case to audiences in Hungary, Japan, China, and many American cities.

While the English-Speaking Union does not endorse any particular position on this controversy and remains neutral on the Shakespeare authorship question, it does welcome and encourage debate on this centuries-old topic. 


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