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Architecture in London, 1066-1800 with Dr. James Glass

Join Us For Our Next ESU Happy Hour:
Architecture in London, 1066-1800

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 3:00 pm Central Time

Join architectural historian Dr. James Glass for an illustrated review of the major themes in architecture that appeared in London between the beginning of Norman rule in 1066 and the end of the 18th century.  We will explore Norman, Gothic, Tudor, Renaissance, Baroque, English Palladian, and Neo-Classical architecture and meet architects who designed leading palaces, churches, houses, and public institutions in London over 700 years, including Inigo Jones, Sir Christopher Wren, Nicholas Hawksmoor, James Gibbs, Lord Burlington, William Kent, Sir William Chambers, and Robert Adam. ESU Happy Hour programs are online, free, and open to all members and the public. Registration is required. Please register here.

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About Dr. James Glass

Dr. Glass is currently Principal of the firm Historic Preservation & Heritage Consulting LLC. Earlier in his career, he served twice as Director of the Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology and Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer and for 13 years as Director of the Graduate Program in Historic Preservation at Ball State University. He has also served as a member of the Board of Advisors, National Trust for Historic Preservation, and on the boards of Indiana Landmarks and the Indianapolis Propylaeum. Glass holds a Ph.D. in architectural history and historic preservation planning from Cornell University, an M.A. from Cornell in the history of urban development, an M.A. in Latin American history from Indiana University, and a B.A. in history and Spanish from the University of Indianapolis.

Since 2013, he has presented illustrated public lectures on the architecture of other countries, based on his travels and research: Spanish Architecture, Architecture in Greece and Turkey, Roman and Renaissance Architecture, Chinese Architecture, Architecture in Mexico, and in 2019, Architecture in London. In 2021, he presented a lecture on Architecture in Indianapolis, 1880-1920, at the Indiana Landmarks Center and in 2022 presented a related lecture on Residential Architecture in Indianapolis, 1820-1920. 

Glass is currently preparing a fully illustrated book on Architecture in Indianapolis, 1820-1920. His publications on the history of the American historic preservation movement include The Beginnings of a New National Historic Preservation Program, 1957 to 1969 (Nashville: American Association for State and Local History, 1990); "The National Historic Preservation Act: a 40th Anniversary Appraisal," in the National Trust's Forum Journal (Fall, 2006); and "50 Years of the National Historic Preservation Act" in the American Association for State and Local History's History News (June, 2014). Since 2010, he has given illustrated presentations on Historic Preservation in Indianapolis and during 2016, he made several presentations on "The National Historic Preservation Act at 50." He also has co-authored a book on the Natural Gas Boom in East Central Indiana and published several articles about the Gas Boom between 1887 and 1901.


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