News And Events

Christmas Tea

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Romantic Irish Country Houses

What is it that gives the Irish house such a distinctive character? Why should their personality—and that of their owners—be so often idiosyncratic and eccentric? And how is it that there remains plenty of houses where shabby chic has been the norm for generations? In an amusing and informative talk, mixing history with anecdote, author Robert O'Byrneoffers a tour of some of Ireland's unusual houses. These include the family home whose present occupant has rescued everything connected with his ancestors—including their tombstones. And a house where so much plaster had already fallen off the walls that its owner simply took a hammer to clear away the rest. Then there is the stately home where the maid reputedly fell through the ceiling—landing safely on the dining room table. Robert's introduction to these houses' history and unique characteristics is sure to entertain and enlighten.

Where: The Beauregard-Keyes House & Garden Museum, 1113 Chartres St.
When: Wednesday, November 6 | 6:30 p.m. reception following the lecture
Tickets: $35 members; $45 non-members

To Register: please click "Register" below or call 212-480-2889 x. 201 - A discount code is available to ESU members that will arrive in a separate email. 

Thank you to our co-sponsors:
The Beauregard-Keyes House and Garden Museum
The English Speaking Union, New Orleans
Institute of Classical Architecture & Art Louisiana Chapter
The Royal Society of St. George in New Orleans
American Friends of Attingham

Additional support for our New Orleans lecture is generously provided by Dr. Quinn Peeper and Mr. Michael Harold



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Branch Patron Members' Party
By Invitation Only

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

at the lovely home of
Mr. Greg Morey & Mr. Scott James
1328 Felicity Street

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Queen's Birthday Brunch 2019 "James Bond on her Majesty's Secret Service"

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An Evening of Purcell - The English Baroque

If you've hummed along with the trumpet solo introduction to CBS Sunday Morning or enjoyed the soundtrack of the recent movie The Favourite, then you have been enjoying Baroque music. Join us for a program about Henry Purcell, the most famous of English composers up until the 20th century, who uniquely composed Baroque vocal music shaped by the natural prosody of English speech.


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The English-Speaking Union

New Orleans Branch