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Testimonial from one of our 2023 TLAB winners: Marjorie Chiarolanzio, Ph.D.

Each day, I rose with the sun to the prospect of learning, dialogue, and the sharing of cultures.  There were perpetual moments of deep thought and endless moments of laughter. I strolled through the town to hear my name called from down the street, happily encountering a classmate or instructor from my new world. Each day brought welcome challenges, hard work, new discoveries and grateful appreciation for the opportunity to study with the best, converse with the world's most humane, and dine with those from diverse places around the globe. The country was lovely and welcoming, but my most precious memories were the people I met, the kindness of my hosts, and how truly special I felt to be worthy of the company of this elite group. 


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The English-Speaking Union

Palm Beach Branch

Welcome to the ESU

The ESU celebrates English as a shared language to foster global understanding and good will by providing educational and cultural opportunities for students, educators, and members.

To find out more about our programs click here.