ESU Research Triangle NC Branch

ESU Research Triangle

Dear Members and Friends:

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Research Triangle Branch of the English-Speaking Union, I am pleased to welcome you to another wonderful season of fellowship, fun, and learning. The Board has a full and exciting schedule planned for the coming months, and we invite you to join or renew your membership for another year. Your membership dues and donations are tax-deductible and go toward the support of our programs. In addition, they allow us to provide support for our area high-school students' participation in the popular Annual Shakespeare Competition, as well as our local educators' participation in the TLab (Travel and Learn Abroad) programs. Take a look at our News and Events page for the schedule of activities planned for the coming year. We look forward to seeing you!

Kindest regards,
Linn Ginsler
Research Triangle Branch ESUUS

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News And Events

The ESU National Shakespeare Competition Starts Now!

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We are pleased to announce the kick-off of the ESU's National Shakespeare Competition! Schools in our region may enter now, giving students the opportunity to compete in The Research Triangle Branch Competition.  The winner of the branch competition will travel to NYC to compete in the national finals at Lincoln Center!  


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Holiday Celebration

The Research Triangle Branch gathered at the Raleigh Historic Landmark residence of Ann Robertson and Hans Linnartz in the Oakwood neighborhood.  Members and guests enjoyed toasting the season in this beautifully restored home that has been continuously used as a residence since 1851.

Board member India Whedbee welcomed everyone to the beautifully decorated Robertson-Linnarrtz home

Hostess Ann Robertson enjoyed visiting with all guests including Virginia Clark and Andy Lawrence

Sherwood Smith, Sara Jo Manning, and Eve Smith and all guests enjoyed touring the beautifully restored residence.

Jo Cresimore, Bill Hamlin, and Nan Turner visited while enjoying the holiday refreshments.

Hostess Ann Robertson was very gracious to guests Andrea Irby, Diane and Jim Davis and Alice Irby by describing features of her historic home.


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Fall Outing of the Research Triangle Branch

The Research Triangle Branch of the ESU gathered October 23, 2022 for a Fall Outing at Milburnie Fishing Club, one of Wake County's oldest social clubs which has hosted governors, legislators, and prominent Raleigh families for 100 years.  The Fall colors were breathtaking in the wonderful rural setting.  Members and guests enjoyed beverages including NC wines and gathered around a roaring fire in the clubhouse before enjoying a traditional barbecue luncheon including the famous Milburnie oyster casserole.  Following dessert of banana pudding, Phil Kirk entertained all present with a very informative talk on the wine industry in NC, and its extensive growth.  All guests left planning a visit to a NC winery in the near future.

Jaye Day Trotter and Ginny Maxwell welcomed our speaker, Phil Kirk

Charlaine Milani, President Margaret Steed, and Dixie Boyce enjoyed the roaring fire on a chilly Fall day.

Martha Leak, Anne Steele, Bob Leak, Ed Steele, and Winkie Worley were glad to visit with eachother and other members gathered at the fishing club on a beautiful Fall day.

The barbecue luncheon was delicious!


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2022 Shakespeare Competition

On February 17, 2022, the annual ESU Student Shakespeare Competition was held at Kenan Auditorium at William Peace University in Raleigh, NC. The event was also broadcast simultaneously on Zoom.

Ten students from area high schools competed, presenting excerpts from Shakespeare's plays and sonnets, and were judged by three local judges.

The winner was Max Vincent from Research Triangle High School, the first runner up was Ruby Chambers from Enloe High School, and the second runner up was Alex Fluker from Panther Creek High School.

Laura Levine, Theater Arts Director at Apex High School, helped coordinate the event, and Betsy Moye, President, represented the Research Triangle Branch.

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The English-Speaking Union

Research Triangle NC Branch