
Welcome to the ESU...

The English-Speaking Union of the United States is a membership organization whose mission is carried out locally by the efforts of Branch members.  As an ESU member, you are contributing both financially and personally to programs that enrich the lives of students and educators through a diverse range of local and national programs.  Additionally, members expand their own social network by being invited to cultural and social events, speakers and book author events, regional and national events as well as invitations to international travel opportunities.

Why The English-Speaking Union is for you...

Your membership in the ESU helps others as well as yourself. You'll meet some of greater Cincinnati's most interesting people as well as talented and engaging visitors and speakers. You will be enriched by a variety of social events - cultural and entertaining activities. You will also help to support a wide range of educational programs and scholarships.

Our members are spirited, thoughtful, and concerned about intercultural and international communication. They share a common, genuine interest in people and community affairs. If this sounds like you, read on...

Click here for Membership Benefits

What you give as a Member:

  • Scholarships and awards. The Cincinnati Branch awards grants to area teachers and students for graduate study in a commonwealth country.
  • High School Shakespeare Competition designed to encourage and reward excellence in the use of the spoken word.
  • Your ideas. Members have the opportunity to volunteer, to serve on committees, and to take an active part in the programs that realize our goals.
  • Hospitality for visitors from other countries. Branch members have the opportunity to meet and provide hospitality for visiting scholars, speakers, and students. Lifelong friendships and reciprocal visits often result from such personal diplomacy.
  • Participation in a word wide organization. As an ESU member, you will be working toward the same goal of international communication as do ESU members around the world.

For information on becoming a member, please drop us a line at -

Membership dues are as follows:

Single $75
Couple $120
Single Branch Patron $90
Couple Branch Patron $145

Additional Contributions

You can help the Cincinnati Branch execute our mission locally by donating to the Branch Scholarship Fund.  This fund provide for educational and cultural opportunities for local teachers and students.

Consider Joining as a National Patron

National Patron Membership provides higher level support to programs that enrich the lives of our members, teachers, and thousands of high school and college students nationwide.  National Patrons receive local and national recognition and invitations to exclusive events.  Up to one half of your contribution can be designated to support your branch. 

National Patron Program Description: Download PDF

Join ESU or Renew Your Membership Online

Tax Information: The English-Speaking Union of the United States is a 501(c)(3) organization .  Membership contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Our Federal Tax ID: 13-1623995


The English-Speaking Union

Cincinnati Branch

Welcome to the ESU

The ESU celebrates English as a shared language to foster global understanding and good will by providing educational and cultural opportunities for students, educators, and members.

To find out more about our programs click here.