
Welcome to the ESU...

The English-Speaking Union of the United States is a membership organization whose mission is carried out locally by the efforts of Branch members.  As an ESU member, you are contributing both financially and personally to programs that enrich the lives of students and educators through a diverse range of local and national programs.  Additionally, members expand their own social network by being invited to cultural and social events, speakers and book author events, regional and national events as well as invitations to international travel opportunities.

The Atlanta Branch of the ESU welcomes into membership all persons whose interests and endeavors are focused on our Branch objectives: 1. Create global understanding through English; 2. Provide educational programs that are designed to increase appreciation of English literature and the proper use of the English language; and 3. Provide assistance to students and scholars who have special interests in British history and culture.

Our programs and activities are internally and externally focused. First of all, we offer interesting monthly programs and events to our members that meet our Branch objectives. These programs include English literature speakers, Churchill lecturers, visitors from the UK, presentation on English Men & Boys Choral Music, annual Christmas Wassail and our spring Garden Party. Our Branch's outreach programs include sponsorship of the local Shakespeare Competition, support for local Shakespeare workshops and productions, scholarships for local high school teacher's summer study in Great Britain, and Books as Envoys program. The Walter Hines Page Scholar program provides us with an opportunity to have our local school teachers interact with a counterpart from Great Britain. We are an active organization with many opportunities for members to learn about, to participate in, and to enjoy English language, history and culture.

Click here for Membership Benefits.

Membership dues are as follows:

Single $50
Couple $80

Additional Contributions

The Atlanta Branch is proud of its numerous scholarship efforts in the Greater Atlanta Area. This year the Branch sent a high school teacher to the British University Summer School. The Branch also organizes its own local Shakespeare competition for high school students and sends the winner of the competition to ESU National's contest in New York City. The Branch also awards travel grants to both college students and college faculty members to advance their studies. In addition the Branch awards grants to the Atlanta Shakespeare Company for college students to run their "Shakespeare Intensive for Teens Program".

Please consider making a contribution to one of the funds below to keep the Branch's scholarship efforts viable and growing.

K.C. Bleckey Scholarship Fund
E.M. Thorton Scholarship Fund
C.C. Early Scholarship Fund
E.P. & H.Q. Scholarship Fund
Dr. Manning Pattillo Grant Fund

Consider Joining as a National Patron

National Patron Membership provides higher level support to programs that enrich the lives of our members, teachers, and thousands of high school and college students nationwide.  National Patrons receive local and national recognition and invitations to exclusive events.  Up to one half of your contribution can be designated to support your branch. 

National Patron Program Description: Download PDF

Join ESU or Renew Your Membership Online

Tax Information: The English-Speaking Union of the United States is a 501(c)(3) organization .  Membership contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Our Federal Tax ID: 13-1623995