News And Events

News And Events

November - William Shakespeare First Folio

How fortunate our Branch is have had our own personal docent to give us a guided tour of the Shakespeare First Folio Exhibit at the Michael Carlos Museum at Emory University.  Dr. Sheila Cavanaugh offered to take us through the Shakespeare Exhibit not only in the museum but also in the Library where there were several areas focusing on Shakespeare's influence even in the modern world.  Dr. Cavanaugh spent the better part of this past year organizing and setting up these exhibits which was all very impressive.

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October 2016 Member Meeting

A member of our Branch, Dr. Sally Parsonson, presented us with a visual and verbal account of how Wordsworth's poems referenced the scenic world around him. We learned that William Wordsworth wrote several travel guides of the Lake District, and needless to say, Grasmere was a favorite.

His poems reflected his life and the memories he had of his childhood near the Derwent River in the Lake District.  His passages consisted of recollections of his youth and experiences with nature – the lakes, rivers, streams, animals and plants.

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September Member Meeting

Gordon Mathis, former principal at the Galloway Upper School, gave an interesting presentation on the origin of the King James Version of the Bible. We welcomed his expertise on the subject which was based on the book, "God's Secretaries." King James, assigned a committee of 47 Anglicans who were given the task of developing an authorized version. It took about 7 years to gather the many versions of the Bible at the time and compile them all into what was the third English translation that we revere as the official King James Version.  It was a fascinating account of the evolution of a version of the book that is still used to this day. This was a perfect topic for the English-Speaking Union.

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Annual Garden Party

This year's Garden Party on May 25 was to celebrate the special occasion of Queen Elizabeth II's 90th birthday.  The British Consul General, Jeremy Pilmore-Bedford, kindly allowed us to have our event in his beautiful home.  Our Branch Chairman, Wesley Devoto, OBE, toasted the Queen and the Consul General, in turn, offered a toast to the President of the United States. 

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Annual General Meeting

Our April 28 meeting was particularly significant as our President, Jean Morris, was stepping down to be succeeded by incoming president, Don Pattillo. Our guest speaker, our own Betsi McLure, gave a talk on the real goings on with the Royal Family, and we elected new officers and directors for the coming year. Jean ended her much-appreciated  two-year position as our President with heartfelt thanks to all those who helped her to achieve the goals of the organization, offer exciting and interesting programs and support for the upcoming changes for the ESU on the national level.  Thank you, Jean, for all your hard work and dedication. 

Don Pattillo, Betsi McLure, Jean Morris

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