How fortunate our Branch is have had our own personal docent to give us a guided tour of the Shakespeare First Folio Exhibit at the Michael Carlos Museum at Emory University. Dr. Sheila Cavanaugh offered to take us through the Shakespeare Exhibit not only in the museum but also in the Library where there were several areas focusing on Shakespeare's influence even in the modern world. Dr. Cavanaugh spent the better part of this past year organizing and setting up these exhibits which was all very impressive.
We had two group tours on November 22 and 29, both of which were well attended. Being able to see the Folio first hand was a memorable experience to say the least! Dr. Cavanaugh did a masterful job of getting the exhibit to come to Atlanta on such a prestigious campus as Emory. We can only hope her efforts are truly appreciated by the community. We thank Dr. Cavanaugh for giving of her valuable time to take us on our personal guided tour.