The English-Speaking Union

News And Events

McKenzie Clark wins $25,000 in Scholarships to Study in England as the 2020 Luard Morse Scholar

New York City: Ms. McKenzie Clarke, an English major from Murfreesboro, TN, and a sophomore at Spelman College in Atlanta, GA, has been selected as the recipient of an English-Speaking Union Luard Morse Scholarship.  Karen Karpowich, Executive Director of the English-Speaking Union, announced the winner, noting that she will receive $25,000 toward a semester of study at any university of her choosing in the United Kingdom during the 2020-2021 academic year.

"The English-Speaking Union Luard Morse Scholarship Committee is excited about this truly exceptional student," stated Duane Hughes, the chair of the Luard Morse Scholarship Committee. "We, the Luard-Morse Scholarship Committee, are thrilled to reward McKenzie for her habit of excellence. We know that she will make the most of her time in the U.K., ensuring that it will be a life-changing experience, bringing back her glorious memories and lessons learned for herself, her community and family and friends. She is a true ambassador. Enjoy the adventure!"

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The 2019 English-Speaking Union Annual Conference

The 2019 English-Speaking Union Annual Conference, hosted by the ESU Washington D.C. Branch, brought members from all over the country to the Nation's capital for a weekend of camaraderie and planning for the ESU's next 100 years. The Cosmos Club, venue for most of the November 1-3 weekend, provided an accommodating environs for the sessions and meals. This year's conference focused on renewed Branch involvement and a new branding initiative in conjunction with planning for the 2020 centennial celebrations.


Business sessions included a meeting of the National Board of Directors as well as plenary sessions on the Centennial celebrations and the branding update. Multiple Branch-led breakout sessions on topics including communication, the National Shakespeare Competition, and fundraising, among others, followed the official 2019 English-Speaking Union Annual General Meeting on Sunday, November 3, 2019.

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ARNIC Thanksgiving

On November 19th, the English Speaking Union's Andrew Romay New Immigrant Center (ARNIC) hosted its annual traditional American Thanksgiving celebration. This event affords ARNIC members the opportunity to experience and actively participate in a major U.S. holiday, all while enjoying the joyful company of their peers and teachers. ARNIC is a free ESU program that facilitates the integration of recently arrived immigrants through English language classes, conversation tutoring and professional development opportunities.

Each year for Thanksgiving, the staff of the ESU transforms the Garden Lounge into a festively adorned dining area that exudes the warmth of the season in sights, smells and tastes. The celebration is catered to provide members with all the trimmings of a traditional American Thanksgiving meal, from turkey to pumpkin pie.

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New York Junior League workshop for ARNIC Members

The English Speaking Union's Andrew Romay New Immigrant Center (ARNIC), founded in 2012, is a program that provides new immigrants a space where they can develop their English language fluency, learn about American culture, network and find professional development opportunities in the U.S.

ARNIC partners with various organizations that offer professional development opportunities to our program participants. These workshops equip ARNIC members with the skills, knowledge and resources to succeed in a variety of sectors within the U.S. workforce.

One especially active partner organization is the New York Junior League (NYJL), one of the oldest and largest women's non-profit organizations in New York City. The NYJL is committed to serving individuals of all genders and from all backgrounds, with new immigrant populations being a principal focus.  

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Report from Luard Morse Scholar Kyana Washington


My last term at The University of Oxford was so indescribably amazing that it has been hard to properly reflect on the experience. I guess reflection is hardest when you don't want something to be over. Being in Oxford was an experience that I will never forget and one that has changed me forever. I learned so much from the inspiring students and scholars who made this term both challenging and delightful.

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