News And Events

Welcome to ESU Happy Hour Programs

Welcome to ESU's Happy Hours! In this virtual world in which we are living, ESU is looking for ways to connect and reach out to one another and offer programming that is engaging, fun and informative on a wide variety of topics.

Many speakers will provide exciting participation opportunities with fun give away books and products at the end of each program. They may even suggest a unique cocktail for you to create and enjoy at home. After all, it's Happy Hour!

We are excited to bring these online programs to you free of charge using a live Zoom format. You can watch these Happy Hour programs on your desktop, laptop, tablet or even your mobile phone. All Happy Hour programs will be recorded so you can watch a program at a later time if you can't watch it live.

Happy Hours are open to all ESU members, friends and guests. Feel free to share these programs with anyone you think would enjoy the Happy Hour topics. We invite all members to suggest topics or refer us to speakers on topics that would have wide appeal and we encourage members to bring their own experiences and expertise to future Happy Hours.  Let us know if you would like to lead the discussion on a future Happy Hour topic.

Our first ESU Happy Hour is Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 3:00 pm Central Time. You can read a description of the program directly below and you can register for the free program as well.

Click here for details on the first six Happy Hour programs.  Mark your calendar for all six Happy Hours. We look forward to seeing you. Cheers!


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