News And Events

At the Queen's table

The English-Speaking Union
of New York

Invites you to
At the Queen's Table: 
Food and Dining in the 16th Century from Anne Boleyn to Elizabeth I
a talk by 
Carl Raymond
co-sponsored by
St. George's Society and Historic Royal Palaces 

The 16th century saw some of the most dramatic change culturally, politically and economically in all of England's history. The world of cooking, food and dining was among those areas that evolved substantially under the Tudor monarchs and into the Elizabethan age. In this illustrated talk, professionally trained chef, culinary writer, and educator Carl Raymond will chart the course of food as it was cooked, prepared and appeared on royal and noble tables throughout the 16th century. Attendees will leave with a sampling of recipes true to the Tudor period and several will be adapted for the modern kitchen should they wish to try a royal banquet at home.

Carl Raymond is a food writer, editor, teacher, professionally trained chef, and historian. He was most recently a contributing writer to SAVORING GOTHAM: A Food Lover's Companion to New York City, published by Oxford University Press in 2015 as well as a contributor to NY FOOD STORY, the journal of the Culinary Historians of New York.  He is currently at work on a culinary history of food in the Gilded Age. Carl has taught over 400 classes in culinary arts throughout the New York City area since 2008, and TIME OUT NY has called him "a charismatic and engaging teacher."

Thursday, June 2
6:30 p.m.
The English-Speaking Union
144 East 39th Street, New York City


St. George's Society and Historic Royal Palaces members can register at the Member's price. 


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New York City Branch

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