The English-Speaking Union

Empire League Tournament: April 22nd








Empire League Tournament: April 22nd

Thank you for signing up for the April 22nd tournament for the Empire Debate League. If you have questions or concerns, you may contact

Indicates required field (*)

: *
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Please write the three names of the students on each team separated by commas.

Example: Team 1: Bob Smith, Smith Joe, Joe Bob

: *
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Team 5
Team 6 (wait list)
Team 7 (wait list)
Team 8 (wait list)


Please write in each judge's name and the rounds that he or she can judge (there are 5 total rounds).

Example: Judge 1: Bob Smith, 1 and 3, Judge 2: Ann Smith, 1-5, Judge 3: Sarah Jones, 3-4.

(You are required to bring one judge for every 2 teams for each round)

Remember to list the Coach(es) as Judges.

: *
Judge 1
Judge 2
Judge 3
Judge 4
Judge 5
Judge 6
Judge 7
Judge 8


Please list the names of anyone who will attend the judge training session. If none will, please write "None".

: *

Lunches are $5/ person. CASH is due at registration at the beginning of the day. Please enter the number of people who will need lunch (enter 0 for none).

: *
: *

Topic suggestion for future tournament.  Topic must be in debate format to be considered.

: *

Is your school available to host a tournament for one of the following dates?

: *

Please select all that apply...

 April 22, 2017

Please contact with questions.